St. Ewe to launch The Great Cornish Egg & Spoon Race 2023

IFE exhibitor St. Ewe (Stand 3729) will be launching The Great Cornish Egg & Spoon Race 2023 on 3-7 July, where the team will be attempting to break the Guinness World Record for longest egg & spoon race.
The event will see two St. Ewes eggs carried along 422 miles of stunning Cornish coastline with the aim of raising £1m for Hospitality Action and Cornwall Air Ambulance.
St. Ewe Marketing Manager Nikki Owen comments: "The past three years have been nothing short of challenging and particularly for the hospitality industry and all those involved in tourism and food production. I myself have worked within the hospitality industry and now work within food production for the rather fabulous St Ewe Free Range Eggs, so I know first-hand just how difficult the past three years have been.
"I feel that the industry has not had the opportunity to have its voice heard and so had to think of a way in which I could showcase Cornwall as a region and to create a platform for the inspiring, and in some cases, heart-breaking stories to be told. Behind the bucket and spades is quite a different picture!.
"The event is all about Cornwall, the hospitality industry and the incredible people working within one of the toughest and most turbulent sectors in the UK. With the cost-of-living crisis and Covid pandemic causing untold hardships over the past three years, with no sign of easing, this event will be a true celebration of what makes Cornwall and the industry so inspiring."
To find out more about the event, visit